STEM Center

Find where you belong as you complete your STEM life at 博彩网站!

Funded by a U.S. Department of Education HSI STEM grant, the STEM Center was created to encourage the study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). We offer services and academic support for all students taking STEM classes, as well as collaborative spaces for group study, tutoring, supplemental instruction, and group meetings. You can succeed in STEM!

Resources & Services


Tutors in various STEM courses are available for virtual one-on-one and group tutoring sessions.

Scheduling an Appointment

Students interested in scheduling an appointment with a STEM Center tutor should schedule an appointment using the link below.

Schedule an Appointment

Once an appointment is made, the student and the tutor will receive an email confirmation with the tutor’s name, containing appointment details. A Google calendar reminder will also be sent to the student and the tutor. When the student accepts the reminder by clicking YES, a Google Hangouts link will be available to them in the calendar. Students will use that link to meet up with their assigned tutor during the designated day and time. Students should go to the Online & Digital Resources site to learn more about how to use Google Hangouts.

Becoming a Tutor

Want to improve your skills, help others develop theirs, and earn money while doing both? The STEM Center is seeking students to work with peers one-on-one and in groups. We are hiring tutors for Physics, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Nutrition, Genetics/ Chemistry,  Engineering,  Microbiology, JAVA, Computer Science, Math, and more. If interested, please email Faculty referrals are encouraged and appreciated.

stem center lounge chairs

Student Study Lounge

Drop by the student study lounge for a colorful, comfortable place to study and work with others. Students can use the rolling dry erase boards to work out homework problems or work with a partner on one of the computers.

computer lab with wooden dividers between computers

Computer Lab

24 computers are loaded with STEM software, such as Mathematica, SolidWorks, and AutoCAD, for student use. Headphones can be loaned out for use while in the computer lab.

Student at lab putting sample under bunsen burner

Career Exploration

Curious about what you need to be a STEM major? Do you want to know more about STEM careers? An academic advisor schedules one-on-one meetings and group sessions with students to explore their options.

girl airbrushing on easle

Summer Youth Programs

The STEM Center offers one-to-two-week free summer youth programs on airbrushing and creating mobile applications.

lecture in the STEM Center

Workshops, Lectures, & Documentaries

In our multipurpose room, the STEM Center staff hosts a number of workshops, lectures, and documentaries for students, faculty, and staff throughout the academic year.

Campus Community Room Use

Members of the campus community can also sign out rooms in the STEM Center for use. If you want to have a club meeting, meet your colleagues, or give a lecture, feel free to reach out to us at


Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (in office) & from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. (remote)
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (remote)


For more information, please reach out to the STEM Center at the contact information below.

STEM Center
Putnam Hall (B17), Room 425
(413) 755-4660